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Join our nerd community in Den Bosch!

The Guild of Geeks is a friendly non-profit nerd community. We organize board game, D&D, Fantasy and Sci-fi Book Club Meetups – and so many more! The events are in English, but the Guild of Geeks is not only for Expats!

What are we doing in our small nerd community?

These are the regularly organized events of the Guild of Geeks:

Beginner D&D Meetups

Board & Card Game Meetups

Fantasy & Sci-fi Book Club

Video Game Club

Nerdy Movie Club

Geeky Event Crashers

Get to know us

About us

The Guild of Geeks is an accepting, friendly nerd community based in Den Bosch! Participating in our events are always free. We are not an ‘Expats only’ community, but our meetups are in English. As long as you are following these simple rules, you can always have a place in our Guild!

Respect others!

Keep this in mind: this is not a dating platform!

If you applied an event, but you cannot make it, no problem, but please let us know as fast as you can!

Have fun! 🙂

Upcoming events


Would you like to become a Guild Member? Apply for the events! 🙂

Who are we?

The founders of the community

We moved in Den Bosch in 2022. In 2024 we thought: how nice it would be if we would have a lot of like-minded friend! Soo… we came up with the Guild of Geeks!


Guild Master

I have always been a nerd. Growing up, I would prefer reading a good book (sci-fi or fantasy) to almost anything else. I would spend hours upon hours in World of Warcraft, Aion, Guild Wars raiding and playing with friends.

It’s always better to have fun when you have someone to share it with though, so I’m looking forward to getting to know a lot of new Guild Members!


Guild master

I grew up in a pretty atypical family, raised on Ghibli movies, Harry Potter books and Terry Pratchett quates. The result? Look at me, I build a freakin’ nerd community! 😀
I am always looking forward to connect people and welcome new Guild Members! See you at the Meetups!